0C0DF812-3BE1-465A-A194-203621137C0E 0C0DF812-3BE1-465A-A194-203621137C0E 897F4067-A901-4270-B9B7-5B291C901420 A15F5925-63E0-4CCE-A83C-CC69438DD10E 92EF9632-0C81-4D16-811D-D20D8C7CB4FB A5C62831-909F-4910-A977-27E6A163C9ED 856468AD-8984-4218-BBD6-D20240FFAB1D 9301C835-240A-4F2F-B227-339413DC8B06 1727BD22-BD90-4905-9725-47A627F6C20B 2A7E44B2-E5CF-4966-A7ED-DB9FD72D3F22 FCC5C779-0B25-4855-8575-6135FE8142C9 10B0A9D2-194E-47DE-B75F-45B5FC3FA865 28A08DFB-70B0-48BC-9D71-787647F83389 E9E7E814-65BE-4F76-BBC1-EB0C42D3139F C1BE3BAA-6DE4-46AB-84DB-917D96CB93CC 6902DE37-97AA-4042-B25C-31AF2B882227 87C687C7-DBE7-43B2-A7D9-889019013E15 CF642DD8-99E1-434B-BCDA-383A5E91AB24 9A716489-DBE4-4C8E-A111-CCFBFCD10010 DB162481-E702-45BC-ADF5-88451B7321A4

Morris Minor Traveller for sale Sold


In Trafalgar blue with a beautiful tan leather interior.

A superb, restored Traveller with fine paintwork, excellent panel fit and a nicely detailed engine bay.

The underside of the Morris is excellent and the spring hanger area and crossmember are clean and correct. Inside the Morris has unmarked new leather seats along with new carpets and door cards.

The bodywork is crisp and has neat, even paintwork and the woodwork appears superb. There is no bubbling and the sides are straight with good panel gaps.

The engine starts and ticks over correctly and is quiet and smooth.

A really lovely Minor Traveller 

Previously sold by us.



We answer all enquiries. Please check your Junk and Spam files if you have not heard back from us, or contact us by telephone.